12 cheap and painless ways to beautify skin and hair
12 cheap and painless ways to beautify skin and hair
Are you ready to experience the beauty of skin and hair at home and completely naturally? If your answer is yes, pay attention to the following points to have healthy and shiny skin and hair.
1- Soft feet: Cracked and dry heels are a common problem in winter. For this reason by massaging warm olive oil and wearing socks overnight from flaking, Prevent or treat foot cracks. 2. Moisturizing the lips: When our lips are not producing oil or moisturizing, the lips become dry and cracked. Get rid of excess lip skin and use sweet almond oil and honey overnight before bed to have a soft pink lip.
3. Nail care: Nail care not only takes care of the cuticle but also prevents it from drying out. To soften the cuticle, apply coconut oil or moisturizer overnight. 4- Growth of eyelashes and eyelashes: Having long and strong eyelashes and eyebrows doubles the beauty of the eyes. Therefore, using coconut and castor oil, which contain fatty acids, strengthens eyebrows and eyelashes. Use these oils before bed.
5. Hair growth: For better hair growth, massage your hair with lavender and warm oils with your fingertips and wear a hat overnight and wash with water in the morning. 6- Conjunctivitis: One of the common problems that most people face is dryness and lack of nutrients that cause hair split ends, which can be treated by treating dryness and consuming aloe vera gel, lemon juice, olive oil and castor oil.
7- Moisturizer: Cleanses and scales away dead and infected cells, so using a moisturizer overnight that contains vitamin E or avocado is good for rejuvenating the face and neck. 8- Acne: Acne and pimples on the face are due to the growth of bacteria on the skin. Chili oil has antibacterial properties that reduce redness and oiliness of the skin or you can use a combination of honey and cinnamon as a mask. 9- Eliminating black spots and puffy eyes: Various causes such as aging, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, improper diet, etc. cause dark spots and puffy eyes, and for this reason, coffee or almond oil for Use around the eyes.
10 - Soft hands: Many people do not take special care of their hands, so most of the time they have rough and dry hands, to soften the hands, you can use olive oil and sugar, and then apply a natural moisturizer and wear gloves. In the morning you will see soft and shiny hands. 11- Eliminate wrinkles: Silk pillowcase prevents pimples and delays the signs of aging and aging, and sleeping on a satin pillow also prevents brittle hair. 12- Sunburn: Spending a lot of time in the sun causes sunburn. Aloe vera is one of the best ingredients in the treatment of sunburn.
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